Female Reproductive System +33X (Extremely Amplified Version)

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Version crafted with 3300% the potency and intensity of normal YouTube one

The female reproductive system is a complex and highly specialized system responsible for producing and nurturing eggs, facilitating fertilization, and supporting the development of a fetus during pregnancy. This field is programmed to induce the ideal or "perfect" female reproductive system, in terms of health and function, encompassing the following detailed components:

- Ovaries in normal size, shape, and consistency, releasing a single mature egg each menstrual cycle.
- Fallopian Tubes free of obstructions and always maintain a healthy environment for fertilization.
- Uterus with normal size, shape, and position for optimal pregnancy support.
- Thick and well-prepared Endometrial lining of the uterus prepared for implantation and a successful pregnancy.
- Cervix function properly to protect the uterus from infection and allow sperm to enter during ovulation.
- Vagina healthy and well-lubricated to support comfortable sexual intercourse.
- Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries work together harmoniously to regulate hormone levels, including estrogen and progesterone, to support the menstrual cycle and reproductive health.
- Female reproductive system consistently produce high-quality eggs for fertilization, with normal genetic material and developmental potential.
- Regular Menstrual cycle, typically occurring every 28-32 days, with ovulation taking place around the middle of the cycle.
- Reproductive system  able to support a healthy pregnancy, with proper implantation and uterine support for fetal growth and development.
- Hormonal balance and regulation that support not only the menstrual cycle but also the various stages of pregnancy and lactation, providing ideal conditions for fetal development and infant feeding.
- Healing and regeneration of the uterus,
- Restoration of the endometrial layer necessary for conception and pregnancy (someone has less, some more)
- Elimination of energy-informational memory of any injuries, operations;
removal of the psychosomatic personal and generic;
- Ovarian restoration (depleted ovaries or polycystic ovaries), including the restoration of the egg reserve, just as new sperm are constantly being created in men
 - Endless fertility, unlimited in time and age
- Healing of the fallopian tubes, including obstruction of the fallopian tubes, dissolution of all adhesions;
- All the ideal ratio of all sex hormones, including the healing of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, epiphysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands;
- Elimination of all DNA and chromosome defects that have accumulated with age
- Healthy chromosomes and healthy gene mutations in DNA appear
- Rejuvenation and healing of the entire reproductive system, hormonal, immune and endocrine systems to the best and optimal.
- Whole body rejuvenates to the optimal young state and does not depend on the calendar age
- Cleansing of all sexual infections and viruses - ureaplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, herpes virus, HPV, etc. and elimination of the causes of their occurrence at all levels - physical, emotional, generic, karmic.
- Elimination the causes of high cortisol and add healing of functional and structural disorders for adrenal glands.
- Protect against re-infection and re-diseases.
- Healing from urogenital infections and viruses, such as ureaplasma, HPV, herpes and others.
- Elimination of all the reasons that the immune system does not see these viruses and infections. 
- Protect against re-infection and re-disease.
- Healing of parathyroid glands - functional and structural, elimination of the causes of this on all levels
- Healing and restoration of the entire skeletal system
- Restoration of collagen of all types 
- Healing of calcium absorption 
- Deep energetic cleansing of the reproductive system by cleaning all the layers
- Activation of the DNA of the perfect female reproductive system
- Removes all parasites and astral larvae attached 
- Removes all energies from toxic sexual relations
- Removal of all blockings so that the results happen quickly.

- Anything not included in the list of dysfunctions can be requested to be cured, cleaned and changed additionally while listening to this file. As an individual request, just set your intention to the field which one you would like to include.
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Female Reproductive System +33X (Extremely Amplified Version)

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