
Cell Salts & Zodiac Energies Balacing +33X (Extremely Amplified Version)

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Cell Salts & Zodiac Energies Balacing +33X (Extremely Amplified Version)

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Version crafted with 3300% the potency and intensity of normal YouTube one

There is an ancient knowledge that was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools, such as in Alexandria, Egypt and Greece, the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union (Hieros Gamos), which allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized energy form that is required to transmutate the cell.

 Tissue salts consist of the natural elements occurring in the body itself – identical substances. They form the basic constituents of the cells, tissues and organs, and the body uses their energies for metabolic functions. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there should be an adequate supply available in the body and its fluids to draw upon. If there is an insufficiency the cells convert their material structure to provide the energy, and the cell goes into a depleted state. Should this cycle continue, namely of material substance converting to provide energy without nutritional replacement, the cells lose their ability to function correctly.

Using discernment one may call upon the requirement of one or all of the mineral cell salts based upon, symptomology, current astrological conditions, or personal cosmology Blueprint.

Matter that does not include carbon (science calls this inorganic matter) that is essential to the optimization of human physical body functions are comprised of 12 mineral tissue salts: Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica. A deficiency in any of these led to weakened cell structure, ill health and lowered immunity. When the mineral salt deficiency is corrected, the cells again functioned normally and health is strengthened.

Together all 12 of these mineral cell salts combined are called Bioplasma. In the spiritual community the necessity of soothing the brain and nervous system from exhaustion during many Ascension Symptoms have given Bioplasma the nickname of the "Starseed Supplement".

Biochemic tissue salts, also called cell salts are minerals in an energy form. The first signs of tissue salt deficiencies are visible in the face, much before physical symptoms occur.

This field makes a complete scan of which kind and which amount of tissue salts the user needs at the moment, and instantly supply the appropriate amount of each tissue salt based on each user's specific requirement, promoting a balanced correction at the cellular levels, which enables the body to heal itself more quickly and integrate the higher frequency energies and light more smoothly. 

Also the field works towards increasing and amplifying the positive aspects of your entire astrological chart and nullifying its negative aspects.

It will also promote balancing of all fractal representations of each zodiac energies acting on you.

Change the "personality" of ALL of the planets sitting in all of the houses in your astrological natal chart to "Movable", to make all changes easy and fast in all areas of your life permanently. With the use of this program all the desired transformations will occur quickly and effectively in all areas of your life.
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