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Perfect State of Being +33X (Extremely Amplified Version)

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Perfect State of Being +33X (Extremely Amplified Version)

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Version crafted with 3300% the potency and intensity of normal YouTube one


- Based on the understanding that everything is manifested from one's own consciousness, the purpose of this field is to neutralize and dissolve the causative roots and seeds within consciousness for all current and potential manifestations (physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually) of poor health or lack of wellbeing (including illness, disease, imbalances, disharmony, dysfunction, discomfort, disturbances, issues etc) in the mind, body and soul and address them holistically on a physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level (as detailed below) on all levels (including planes, time, space, timelines, realities and dimensions).

- The field will start first with any forms of illness, poor health or lack of wellbeing that have already perceptibly manifested in the body on some level (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual) or is causing discomfort to the user (including subtle feelings or sensations) and focus on healing everything holistically from the symptoms/manifestations themselves to the root causes of it. When all perceptible manifestations have been healed and dissolved from the root causes, the field will then scan and assess the body, mind and soul (on all levels, planes, time, space, timelines, realities and dimensions) for consciousness forms which are not aligned to the natural state of total perfection, then focus on what is most likely to perceptibly manifest next into poor health or lack of wellbeing, and address, heal and dissolve everything1 from the root cause to the form, thereby removing the seeds within consciousness before they can sprout into manifestations.

- The perceptible manifested forms and/or seeds within consciousness (and all related or causative parts) of poor health or lack of wellbeing (including illness, disease, imbalances, disharmony, dysfunction discomfort, disturbances, issues etc) in the mind and body (physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually) that are identified by this main program as the current focus area(s) to be addressed will be referred to as the ‘focus subject’ in the subprograms below and addressed on each level.

- As each manifestation and/or seed of consciousness is addressed and completely healed, the field will establish a new set point of homeostasis within the user’s consciousness, grounding the user in a stable state of being that is firmly aligned and established in health, wellbeing, strength, peace, freedom and harmony. The new set point will empower the user to consciously align with positive thoughts, emotions, energies, patterns and states of being as well as foster, strengthen and reinforce detachment and non-identification with the past and everything that was healed and dissolved.

- The field will continue healing and dissolving the root causes of what is most likely to perceptibly manifest next from what is held within consciousness until all has been purified, cleared and dissolved and there are no possible causes left for poor health or lack of wellbeing, and the user is firmly established in a self-sustaining state of total, complete, unified & perfect holistic homeostasis encompassing absolute health, wellbeing, wholeness, strength, vitality, function, balance, peace, freedom & harmony of the whole body, mind and soul on all levels and aspects.


1 based on the subprograms below: 1. To all relevant areas, levels and aspects, 2. Mentally 3. Emotionally 4.

Energetically 5. Spiritually

- The below subprograms will run individually working on the “focus subject” identified by the main

program as the current focus area(s) to be addressed.

To all relevant areas, levels and aspects:

- The field will send pure cosmic Source energy of healing, unconditional love and light to the focus subject, to address and heal everything from the root cause, and restore total, complete, unified & perfect holistic homeostasis- encompassing absolute health, wellbeing, wholeness, strength, vitality, function, balance, peace & harmony of the whole body, mind and soul on all levels.

- The field will also utilize the infinite intelligence, wisdom and power of Source to address, neutralize, heal, correct and release anything necessary for the purpose and intention of this field (as stated in the main program section) that is not already addressed by the other subprograms detailed below


- The field will first scan the entirety of the user’s consciousness (including the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind) and identify any mental forms such as thoughts, thoughtforms, thought patterns,

ideas, beliefs, identification, mental constructs or programming that are causing or contributing to the manifestation of the focus subject, and neutralize and dissolve them, while promoting mental clarity, purity, peace, stability and freedom. This will include negative, limiting or lack beliefs about the self, body, or health as well as any negative mental habits, self-sabotaging thoughtforms, and ingrained patterns that have manifested into illness on some level. The field will also specifically target thoughts

and beliefs that reinforce illness, fear, suffering, victimhood or powerlessness, transmuting them into thoughts/patterns/energies of health, wellbeing, perfection, strength, wholeness, completion and vitality.

- It will go deeper to address conditioned mental programs absorbed from family, society, or external influences, clearing the user of collective or inherited beliefs that are out of alignment with health. It will

also dissolve and release obsessive or negative thinking, overthinking, stress, fear, worry, anxiety, or mental chatter that may be draining the user’s energy or contributing to issues or imbalances and dissolve their root causes. By dissolving these mental habits, the mind is quieted, and the user is brought into a state of inner peace, stillness and clarity.

- The field will harmonize and balance the mental body, aligning it with all the other subtle bodies to ensure thoughts and beliefs flow freely without becoming trapped or stagnant or repressed. It will gently encourage the mind to allow, accept and hold positive, empowering beliefs about health, vitality, strength and self-efficacy. It will also help the user develop new thought patterns and habits that support perfect health and wellbeing, such as practicing deep mental relaxation, being in a state of allowing and

going with the flow, effectively navigating life's challenges without fear or stress, and actively releasing negative or limiting thoughts, beliefs and patterns as they arise without attaching to, identifying with or internalizing them. This will allow the user to maintain a clear, calm outlook and sense of peace and freedom even while faced with stressful situations. Over time, the user’s mental space will be purified, and thoughts aligned to the state of perfect holistic health, wellbeing, wholeness, strength, vitality, function, balance, peace & harmony will flow effortlessly and harmoniously. The user will experience greater mental stability, strength and purity, thereby cultivating a mindset with clarity, focus, balance, peace and wellness, that supports overall health and wellbeing.

- Cross check: For all mental aspects that were healed, neutralized and dissolved, the field will cross check with the emotional, energetic and spiritual subprograms to ensure all related or causative emotions,

energies or spiritual causes tied to these mental aspects are safely purified, healed, neutralized corrected, and dissolved or removed, as appropriate for the purpose/intention of the field to restore back and establish the user in a state of total perfection (and if unable to be addressed through these subprograms, it will be addressed through Source).


- On the emotional level, the field will scan for all emotional causes (including but not limited to emotional blocks, negative emotions (including repressed, suppressed or trapped emotions), and unresolved emotional traumas)) that have contributed to or caused the manifestation of the focus

subject, and neutralize, heal and dissolve them. This includes negative or limiting feelings such as apathy, grief, fear, anger, pride, sadness, guilt, or shame that have been stored in the body or energy field, which over time have caused disharmony. It will also address aspects that the user may not consciously be aware of (including emotional trauma or inherited/surrogate emotions) and gently heal, neutralize, dissolve and release them on all levels.

- The field will also gently heal and dissolve any stored emotional pain or wounds (especially from traumatic or challenging life events) and any negative or limiting emotional patterns (such as self-judgment, guilt, or feelings of unworthiness) and fill the empty space with unconditional love, peace and acceptance, thereby allowing the user to feel a greater sense of self-compassion, emotional freedom, wholeness, balance and wellness.

The field will harmonize and balance the emotional body, aligning it with all other subtle bodies to ensure that emotions flow freely without becoming trapped, stagnant, or repressed. It will gently encourage an openness to experience and process emotions fully, nurturing positive feelings like joy,

peace, resilience, and self-compassion.

- It will also help the user develop new emotional patterns and habits that foster and support balance and inner harmony, such as cultivating deep emotional relaxation, staying in a state of allowing and flowing

with experiences, handling life's challenges with emotional grace and stability, and actively releasing negative or limiting emotions as they arise without attachment, identification, or internalization. This allows the user to maintain emotional clarity, calm, and a sense of peace even in stressful situations. Over time, the emotional space will be purified, creating a balanced flow of emotions aligned with holistic wellness, strength, peace, and inner harmony. The user will experience greater emotional stability, resilience, and openness, nurturing an emotional landscape that fosters clarity, balance, and a deep sense of well-being, supporting their overall health and wellness.

Cross check: For all emotional aspects that were healed, neutralized and dissolved, the field will cross check with the mental, energetic and spiritual subprograms to ensure all related or causative thoughts,

energies or spiritual causes tied to these emotional aspects are safely purified, healed, neutralized, corrected, and dissolved or removed, as appropriate for the purpose/intention of the field to restore

back and establish the user in a state of total perfection (and if unable to be addressed through these subprograms, it will be addressed through Source).


- The field will first scan and assess the user’s entire energy body, field and system (including their aura, chakras, meridians, and subtle energy bodies), identifying and healing from the root cause any energetic

causes (including issues, blockages, imprints, imbalances, deficiencies, depletion, excess, disharmony, dysfunction, hyperactivity or distortions) that are contributing to the manifestation of the focus subject.

- Any issues with qi/prana (such as energy levels, imbalances, flow, direction, blockages, stagnation) will be addressed completely. It will also work on healing, correcting, transmuting, dissolving and removing

any negative/harmful/limiting energetic imprints, energy forms, blockages or patterns that are present in the user’s energy field/body/systems, whether these are from external sources (such as environments, other people, or collective energies) or from internal emotional and mental patterns. These imprints may have crystallized into energetic blockages over time- the field will purify, neutralize, dissolve and remove them, then fill the empty space with the energy of pure unconditional love and perfection.

- The field will also purify, heal, unblock, correct, repair, balance, strengthen, harmonize and stabilize the energy field, bodies and systems (including the chakras, meridians and auric layers) ensuring that these

energy centers, channels and layers are functioning stably, correctly, optimally and in harmony with each other. It will safely heal and clear stagnant or blocked energy as necessary, ensuring that life force energy

(prana or qi) flows perfectly, freely and smoothly in a balanced and harmonious way throughout the user’s energy system. Any areas which are deficient or depleted will be recharged and restored with the

appropriate amount of life force energy (prana or qi) (and all root causes for the deficiency or depletion will be addressed and healed so the body can remain sustained with perfect energy levels). This process

will help restore and maintain perfect health, wellbeing and balance to the user’s energy (including energetic levels, flow and state), and prevent energy leaks, imbalances, stagnation, deficiency/depletion,

rebellious qi or overactivity.

- In addition, the field will remove any energetic cords, attachments or influences that may be draining the user’s energy or contributing to health issues, severing unhealthy connections and ensuring the user’s energy is their own and remains that way. It will also establish, strengthen and maintain an energetic shield of protection around the user’s energy field/body/systems to prevent any future energetic harm

or imbalances from external influences. This energetic shield of protection will also protect the user from being affected or influenced by external thoughts, emotions or spiritual causes.

- The field will harmonize and balance the energetic body, aligning it with all other subtle bodies to ensure energy flows freely without becoming blocked, stagnant, or depleted. It will gently encourage the free

circulation and distribution of vital energy throughout the body, promoting vitality, strength, and a sense of alignment with one's natural rhythms. This support will help the user develop energetic resilience and

habits that maintain optimal energy levels, such as grounding, cultivating an open flow of energy, and releasing any negative, harmful, limiting, trapped or disruptive energies without clinging to them or

identifying with them.

- This will allow the user to feel vibrant, centered, and balanced even when faced with energetic challenges. Over time, the user’s energetic field will become purified, with energy flowing in harmony,

supporting a state of wholeness, strength, vitality, and balance. The user will experience a stronger, more stable energetic foundation, fostering a state of peace, vitality, alignment, balance, harmony and flow

that supports overall health and well-being.

- Finally, the field will infuse and completely align the user’s energetic field/system, whole body and mind with the highest frequencies of perfection, health, wellness, strength, vitality, balance, harmony, peace,

love, fulfillment, wholeness, unity and freedom. This will allow the user’s energy body to naturally support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health, creating a holistic state of balance and harmony on all levels. The user’s overall energetic vibration will be raised, promoting a lasting sense of vitality and energetic wellness.

- Cross check: For all energetic aspects that were healed, neutralized and dissolved, the field will cross check with the mental, emotional and spiritual subprograms to ensure all related or causative thoughts, emotions or spiritual causes tied to these emotional aspects are safely purified, healed, neutralized, corrected, and dissolved or removed, as appropriate for the purpose/intention of the field to restore back and establish the user in a state of total perfection (and if unable to be addressed through these

subprograms, it will be addressed through Source).


- The field will begin by scanning the spiritual body, soul and consciousness for all spiritual causes from the present life or past lives, dissolving everything that contributes to the manifestation of the focus subject, including karmic influences, unresolved karmic debts, lessons, and influences.

- It will address and clear any relevant soul contracts or spiritual agreements, freeing the user from obligations that are causing issues or imbalances in their present life's health and wellbeing. The field will

also identify, heal and gently dissolve all traumas and any associated negative or limiting beliefs, emotions or energetic imprints carried over from past lives, and any patterns inherited through ancestral

lines or generational trauma, that are causing poor health or imbalance or creating the manifestation of the focus subject. All empty space from what was removed will be filled with unconditional love, peace

and acceptance.

- The field will further work on identifying and resolving spiritual blockages or barriers such as vows, oaths, curses, hexes, or spiritual bindings, lovingly dissolving these influences and restoring spiritual

freedom. It will scan for negative spiritual attachments or entities and remove all, including those that are draining energy or contributing to health issues/the manifestation of the focus subject, ensuring the

user’s spiritual space remains clear and protected. If spiritual fragmentation or soul loss has occurred due to trauma or life events, the field will retrieve and reintegrate the lost parts, restoring wholeness

and integrity at the deepest level of the user’s being.

- Additionally, the field will repair any damage to the spiritual body, including tears, gaps, fractures or distortions in the auric field or higher dimensional layers, restoring the spiritual body to its optimal state

of wholeness and harmony. It will dissolve egoic patterns, attachments, and spiritual illusions, such as identification with suffering or victimhood or powerlessness, that may be hindering the user’s health and

wellbeing. By releasing these, the user will align more fully with their divine health and highest state of spiritual freedom.

- Any harmful external spiritual influences, such as energetic attacks, spells, curses, or negative intentions from others, will be neutralized, all effects from them will be purified and healed, and the shield of protection established from the energetic subprogram will be reinforced to ensure no harm can penetrate the user’s energy field. The field will also heal any spiritual or soul wounds and realign the user’s soul and total being with their original perfect divine blueprint for optimal health, wellbeing, wholeness, vitality, function, balance, peace & harmony. This ensures that any distortions or deviations from the soul’s true essence are corrected.

- Throughout the healing process, the field will clarify, strengthen, and maintain a clear connection between the user and their higher self, spirit guides, divine forces, and Source, allowing for continued healing, guidance, and protection. Any existing trust issues with spiritual powers or the universe will gently be healed and dissolved, helping the user cultivate a deep, abiding trust in the benevolente support and wisdom available to them. As spiritual imbalances are healed, the field will assist the user in

integrating essential spiritual lessons into their being, ensuring these lessons are fully harmonized to prevent any recurrence of health issues. This continuous support will keep the user aligned with spiritual truths that foster and sustain health and well-being, building a renewed sense of security and openness toward divine guidance and moving them closer to a state of spiritual wholeness, trust, and balance.

- The field will harmonize and balance the spiritual body, aligning it with all other subtle bodies to facilitate a clear and unhindered connection to the user’s true self and higher consciousness. It will gently encourage the dissolution of any spiritual blockages or limitations, fostering an open awareness of purpose, meaning, and interconnectedness. This support will help the user develop spiritual habits and perspectives that deepen their connection to inner peace and wisdom, such as staying open to higher

guidance, practicing surrender, and releasing any patterns, perceptions or beliefs that obstruct spiritual growth, acceptance, harmony and freedom.

- This allows the user to maintain a sense of inner peace, clarity, and connection to their true nature, even when faced with challenges. Over time, the user’s spiritual space will be purified, bringing forth a natural alignment with states of wholeness, harmony, and inner peace. The user will experience a deeper spiritual resilience and clarity, fostering a balanced spiritual presence that supports overall health,well-being, and a sense of unity with life.

- Cross check: For all spiritual aspects that were healed, neutralized and dissolved, the field will cross check with the mental, emotional and energetic subprograms to ensure all related or causative thoughts,

emotions or energies tied to these emotional aspects are safely purified, healed, neutralized, corrected, and dissolved or removed, as appropriate for the purpose/intention of the field to restore back and establish the user in a state of total perfection (and if unable to be addressed through these subprograms, it will be addressed through Source)

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